
Editing Dysart

The shoot in Carrboro went well. There were very few multiple takes that I needed.

I made a rough edit with Josh last night and showed it to our class. They/the professor were generally pleased, but wanted better coverage and less editing in certain sections. I agree, and I'll see what I can do.

Meanwhile the first cue has come in from our dear composer. Sounds great. Somehow manages to channel Morricone... on a time crunch and a budget.

Things are progressing. I'd give a long narrative about how shooting went but I haven't the time.

I'm overloaded...

Editing three different projects. Three papers in progress. Etc.

This is not a time to write.

But if I have something very compelling, I'll post it.


Shooting tomorrow

Finally, we'll begin shooting my screenplay Dysart tomorrow.

It's been a long time in the making, so to speak. I already shot some second unit footage in Lexington that seems to have turned out pretty good.

I'll provide details as they occur.

Lack of Bloggage...

I've been very busy lately: lots of projects, both media and not. I'm graduating soon, and this is tying up all the loose threads.

I'll have something worth saying later...


Perks of a Bad Economy

Not everything is a downer. Documentary filmmakers can benefit in a number of ways, some more beneficial than others.


The BBC Takes On Happy Endings


Interesting points about what people expect to get out of a story. Thankfully it points out that some happy endings just can't work... upbeat Hamlet?


A Little Thought...

I've grown tired of people who fawn over filmmakers.

Pretty general statement, there. I myself am quite guilty.

But it dawned on me as I was reading a certain blog about the "next great American filmmaker" how clueless the majority of armchair cinephiles about art and the filmmaking process.

Making good films isn't about "creating art", like some Impressionist painter on a hillside. It's about waging war on that Void you need to fill. It's about dealing with setbacks. It's about kissing asses. It's about pretending to know what you're doing when you don't.

It's about being a politician, accountant, therapist, mechanic, and day laborer all in one.

Great films aren't "made". They happen. As much as you have a vision, as much as you plan ahead, it all comes down to the actual Happening of capturing an image and arranging it.

So when I hear an intellectual rhapsodizing over Cassavettes' art, as if he created Faces while musing at a cocktail party, I really, really want to set them straight.

Because the film world, intentions mean shit. All that matters is pulling it off.